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The Beginning - Ground Rules

Updated: Apr 17, 2021

If you haven't yet, take a listen to our trailer; it will give you a feel of what are podcast is about and what to expect in future episodes.


What to expect from us:

We are committed to critical thinking, and approaching problems with diverse opinions and perspectives. In each of our episodes, we will make an active effort to separate our feeling and opinions from the facts. As well, we will ALWAYS cite our sources here and we will always make an effort to choose both reputable and appropriate sources.

We have quite a lot of feelings and opinions about how modern and popular "news" agencies are presenting the news. For this, reason we will be avoiding almost all cable news stations, as there is no obligation of truth or good journalism. That being said we are NOT reporting the news, however, we will commonly explore current events, especially, if we feel that there is information not being well reported or understood.

Every episode will:

  • Feature at least one philosopher, and we will use their philosophy to help analyze the topic.

  • Have the cited sources for each episode.

  • Be accompanied by a blog post like this one, and a forum post, however forum posts are only available to members. If you are interested in becoming a member click here.

The Forum:

The forum is not free for a few reasons:

  1. Helps prevent bots and trolls.

  2. We encourage people to think before posting so that we aren't posting our feeling we are posting our thoughts.

  3. It is a small price to pay to keep the website up and running.

That said welcome comments, contrary opinions, and suggestions. We ask that you be respectful of others in the comments.


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